About Me

Nia A Cooke BSc (hons), DEP  

I am passionate about helping owners to make the correct feeding choices for their animals. The feed industry can be a confusing place, with so much choice and so much conflicting information, it is sometimes really hard to make the correct decisions for the individual animal.


I have always had animals in my life, I grew up with horses being a huge part of family life, as well as the family dog. As an adult, I also found a love for cats and chickens and I currently live in rural North Wales with my partner and daughter and our 4 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 4 hens. 


My first proper job was as a groom on a racing yard, but I went awry and had an early career was as a management accountant! But I always felt drawn to moving back towards working with animals. In 2011 I took the plunge to retrain, as an Equine Podiatrist, studying for a 2 year diploma. I loved this work but was thirsty for more knowledge. In 2015, I started a  BTEC Professional Diploma in Equine Nutrition, which I completed with a distinction, in 2016, I started in Aberystwyth University studying Equine & Veterinary Bioscience, which I graduated with a First class BSc (hons). I'm currently studying towards a Masters degree in Animal Nutrition at the University of Glasgow. 

My career as an equine podiatrist enabled me to see the innate relationship between correct nutrition and hoof and overall health. My university studies enabled me to explore this further. I am passionate about helping animals to have the best nutrition they possibly can. 



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